4 Tips For Moving Houses With a Dog

We’ve put together the ultimate list of pro tips for moving houses with a dog in the comfiest possible way.


Moving to a new house with your dog can be stressful for both of you. 

While a different neighborhood and new surroundings is exciting for most, dogs react to big change with fear and confusion. 

For this reason, we’ve put together the ultimate list of moving houses with a dog tips so that your best friend travels as comfortably as possible. 

Let’s get our paws into dog registration first.

1. Register with a vet in your new area

Registering your dog with a vet in your new area is best practice for being prepared. 

Before you’ve loaded that first box onto the moving van, make sure your dog has a vet close to your new house. It’s likely going to be a disorientating trip for your pet. There’s a good chance, therefore, that stress could make him or her ill. Traveling with pets is known to induce diarrhea, anxiousness, and even excessive throwing up of bile. 

When registering your dog with a new vet, it’s important to check state laws prior. Most states require previous CVIs and vaccination records before allowing you to sign up. Of all the vaccinations that vets are most concerned with, the rabies vaccination certificate is the most commonly requested.

Top Tip: The CVI certificate will only help you to cross state lines. To fully register with a vet, you may need to provide supplementary records about your dog’s medical and vaccination history.

2. Maintain your dog’s routine before the move

The best way to keep your pooch zen is to not disrupt her or his routine. 

Like with children, dogs are at their best when their daily activities aren’t compromised. Going for walks, being fed, and having play time are all crucial to a dog’s temperament. Changing all of this suddenly could damage its well-being, not to mention how they behave on the moving journey.

In this spirit, try to work your moving schedule around your dog’s. It might seem unnecessary at first, but the rewards will prove fruitful as you are traveling with a happy pup.

Trying to find some storage solutions in between chasing after your pet? Check out Stache and take a load off.

3. Let your moving company know about your dog before the big day

Moving houses with a dog might be fine with you, but not necessarily with a moving company.  

Movers want to pack up and unload your belongings with maximum efficiency, and a dog doesn’t aid this process. 

Giving the movers advance warning about your friendly (or fiery) pet is a courtesy that will help them provide better service. If one of the movers isn’t fond of dogs, you’ll know in advance to make sure your prized puppy is well out of the way. 

Some moving companies might specify that all animals are kept out of proximity while the movers work, so find out before booking. 

Top Tip: Give the movers dog treats when they arrive. If your dog’s the protective kind, they’ll soon learn to love and respect new faces with a tasty snack to offer.

4. Keep your dog and packing area separate on moving day

As a dog owner, you’ll be well-aware that your mood affects your dog’s mood. It probably dictates it. 

Considering you’re going to be under significant strain to pack everything up accordingly, not forget anything, and sort out tedious paperwork, you’re going to feel fairly stressed. 

Do yourself a favour and keep your dog and packing area separate from each other. The absolute last thing you need is an overexcited dog bounding over boxes and begging you to play catch with their most annoying squeaky toy. 

You don’t have to lock your dog away, per se. By letting them loose in your back garden and keeping the doors shut, you can let them run down their energy reserves while you take care of the moving process. Later, when it comes to the move itself, you’ll have an exhausted and calm pooch!

If there’s another element of moving houses that’s stressful, it’s knowing where everything is going to go. At Stache, we’ve got plenty of storage options to put your mind at ease.

Here’s to a Paw-Some Move!

There you have it!

By following these tips, you’ll keep your dog’s tail wagging and the move will go as smoothly as possible. Fur real.